UDC 821.161.3.09«20»-32(092)Багданава Г.

  • Kuz’mich Nataliya Vasil’yevna – PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Literary and Artistic Criticism. Belarusian State University (4, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: creative manner, intermediality, types of art, prose, short story, Galina Bagdanava.

For citation: Kuzmich N. V. Galina Bagdanava’s prose: features of creative manner. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4. Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 126–132. DOI:


For the first time in the Russian humanities, the article analyzes the specifics of the creative manner of the Belarusian writer Galina Bagdanava. This topic is considered from the perspective of the problem of interaction of different types of art in a literary text. The features of the writer’s texts are revealed not only by the example of the writer’s prose, the heroes of which are famous representatives of different types of art, in which the author reconstructs temporal layers with his creative thinking and plays the history of the creation of a certain famous work of art. The study presents both the writer’s early texts (for example, the novel “The House of their Dreams”, the story “Super-8”, “The Knitter” and others), but also the writer’s latest texts (“The Bacchante of Rodin”, “The Beautiful Came”, “The White Rose of Gaudi” and others). The author also analyzes individual works of the writer written in different genres of prose (novella, short story, parable), in which the features of the creative person’s worldview are revealed using artistic means, which is shown in connection with the disclosure of the artist’s inner world and the psychology of creativity. Considering the above, we can talk about such a feature of the writer’s prose as intermediality – the use of elements of works of other types of art in literature, modeling the material texture of another type of art in a literary text. The article examines the specificity of the artistic manner of the Belarusian writer Galina Bagdanava from the perspective of the problem of interaction of different types of art in the literary text. Features are considered on the example of the prose works of the writer.


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