UDC 621.376.54:621.316.722
Keywords: AC electric drive, pulse width voltage modulation, modeling.
For citation: Belyaev V. P. Electric drive with shock load in the printing industry. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2023, no. 1 (267), pp. 5–13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6729-2023-267-1-1.
The article presents the results of the analysis of the technological cycles of a number of printing machines, such as a single-knife cutting machine (ORM), a punching press, a running and first-breaking machine, a wire sewing machine, a crucible printing machine, etc., which complete the postprinting processes. They are realized by the mechanical operation of the actuator, characterized by a short-term (shock, impulse) effect on the workpiece. The influence of gravitational forces on the creation of a static resistance moment by a technological machine is shown. During the performance of the product production cycle by the working body, they either increase the specified moment or reduce it. The execution of the technological cycle is short-term, taking several seconds, and the operation of manufacturing the product is a fraction of a second, a second, and it is at this time that the main mechanical work is performed. Such a mechanical load is usually characterized as a shock load. Mechanical energy for the processes under consideration is generated by electromechanical systems based on a three-phase asynchronous short-circuited electric motor, which also has a shock load. Attention is drawn to one common design feature of these machines, which consists in the fact that the moment developed by the electric motor is transmitted to the executive body through the V-belt transmission, which is an elastic link. To identify the influence of elastic forces on the operation of the electric drive, as on a two-mass electromechanical system, its modeling and calculations in the MathLab-Simulink computing environment of the modes of such an electric drive were carried out. The model takes into account changes in the parameters of the electric drive during the technological cycle caused by changes in inertial forces and the construction of kinematics. The model diagram is shown. The results of the calculation of one mode are displayed – the plots of the electromagnetic moment of the electric motor and its speed. At the same time, an analysis of the development and influence of elastic forces is carried out and conclusions are drawn.
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