UDC 531.19
Keywords: lattice system, chemical potential, nearest neighbor repulsion, Monte-Carlo method, order parameter.
For citation: Lasovsky R. N., Bildanau E. E., Gapanjuk D. V. Relaxation of the order parameter in lattice systems with nearest neighbor repulsion. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2023, no. 1 (266), pp. 24–28. DOI:
A two-dimensional lattice model with repulsion of nearest neighbors is studied. In this model, using the numerical solution of the balance equation for the number of particles by the Euler algorithm and computer simulation by the Monte Carlo method, the spatial distribution of the order parameter was studied. The order parameter was determined in the ordered and disordered phases at an initial concentration distribution on the sublattices that did not correspond to the equilibrium one. The appearance of relaxation regions (layers with a value of the order parameter different from the equilibrium value) is shown. Еhe width of this regions increases with the average concentration in the system, which may be due to an increase in correlation effects. Comparison of the results of the numerical solution of the equation for the balance of the number of particles and the results of simulation by the Monte Carlo method revealed a noticeable difference in the widths of these regions.
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