UDC 628.356+574.64

  • Ignatenko Arkadiy Vasil’yevich – PhD (Biology), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Biotechnology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: ignatenko_av@tut.by

Keywords: active sludge, biochemical activity, optical reductase test, methylene blue, influencing factors, sedimentation of particles, sorption of dye, light scattering.

For citation: Ignatenko A. V. Оptical reductase method for estimation an active sludge condition and analyses of influence factors. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2023, no. 1 (265), pp. 71–79. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2023-265-1-8 (In Russian).


The paper considers the problem of controlling the biochemical activity of activated sludge microorganisms in the treatment of urban wastewater contaminated with inhibitory and toxic substances. The analysis of biochemical oxygen consumption (BOD) for estimation of sludge condition is a long and time-consuming procedure, the results of which become known upon completion of the wastewater treatment process. An effective alternative to BOD methods can be a reductase and optical reductase test (ORТ) based on the total activity of enzymes-dehydrogenases of cells sensitive to the presence of inhibitory and toxic substances in wastewater. The ORТ method eliminates the subjectivity of controlling the reductase activity of activated sludge and reduces the duration of the analysis to 10–15 minutes. The influence of particles sedimentation, dye sorption and the effects of light scattering on the readings of the ORТ was studied using the ORТ method with methylene blue (МВ). It is shown that all the influencing factors, as well as the discoloration of the dye, lead to a decrease in the optical density of the medium and to an overestimation of cell reductase activity. The processes of sedimentation of large particles and sorption of the dye have the greatest influence on the rate of change in the optical density in the active sludge-dye system. To eliminate the influence of these factors and the light scattering of the medium on the ORТ readings, it is recommended to measure the reductase activity of cells after the completion of the main stages of precipitation of large particles and dye sorption processes for 10 minutes. The residual effect of these factors on the rate of МВ discoloration under anaerobic conditions becomes insignificant and they can be neglected.


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