UDC 676.085.2
Keywords: rosin emulsion, modification, fibrous suspension, paper-forming properties, breaking length.
For citation: Chernaya N. V., Herman N. A., Chernysheva Т. V., Misyurov O. A., Dashkevich S. A. Сomparison of properties of paper samples in use of developed rosin emulsions and import analogues. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2023, no. 1 (265), pp. 55–61.DOI: (In Russian).
The aim of the study is to study the effect of the developed new samples of rosin emulsions on the paper-forming properties of sized fibrous suspensions in comparison with the strength characteristics of the original (non-glued) samples and reference samples containing a known analogue (TM rosin emulsion).
It has been established that the hydrophobicity of paper samples and elementary layers of cardboard containing the developed rosin emulsions (samples 4−16 were obtained using stabilizing agents: surfactant, latex dispersion, ammonium caseinate in certain concentrations) in an amount of 2 ≤ R ≤ 4% of absolutely dry matter, reaches high values (15–25 g/m2 ). Compared to the TM sample, the breaking force in the dry state and the breaking length increase by 10–30 and 16–35%, respectively. Compared with the initial strength of unglued paper samples and elementary layers of cardboard, the breaking force in the dry state approaches the initial values (48 N) for samples 5 (45 N) and 13 (47 N); the breaking length is as close as possible to the initial values (6100 m) and reaches 6040 m (sample 5) or exceeds 6210 m (sample 13).
A comparative analysis of the results of the study indicates a positive effect of the developed rosin emulsions on the paper-forming properties of sized fibrous suspensions, which improved by 10–35%. At the same time, compensation for the undesirable loss of strength by 23–32% was achieved, which is accompanied by the use of a well-known analogue of rosin emulsion TM.
This positive effect is of great practical importance. The developed technology belongs to resourcesaving, since the need for special use of hardening agents disappears.
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