UDC 676.064.2
Keywords: sizing mechanism, fibrous suspension, pulp, waste paper, paper, cardboard.
For citation: Chernaya N. V., Shashok Zh. S., Uss E. P., Dashkevich S. A., Misyurov O. A. Improving the efficiency of sizing of fiber suspensions in neutral and weak alkaline media (review). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2023, no. 1 (265), pp. 36–54.DOI: (In Russian).
persions Ultrasize KA and TMVS-2H for sizing cellulose and waste paper suspensions in neutral and weak alkaline media. It was shown that the efficiency of using of AKD emulsions and ASA preparation increases when replacing waste paper suspensions with cellulose ones, since the uniformity of the “point” distribution on the fibers of hydrophobic esters, which are formed as a result of the chemical interaction of their hydroxyl groups with particles of these emulsions, increases. It has been established that it is advisable to use synthetic emulsions in waste paper suspensions together with the styrene-acrylate dispersion of Acronal 290 D or a new compound developed by us, which is a product of the polycondensation of adipic acid with diethylenetriamine, modified with resin acids of rosin. Using the example of high-resin dispersion TMVS-2H, it was proved that the efficiency of the sizing process is increased by shifting it from the traditional mode of homocoagulation to a more efficient mode of heteroagulation of peptized particles. The ongoing colloidal-chemical interactions of negatively charged particles of the dispersed phase TMVS-2H with aluminum hydroxide compounds introduced into the dispersed system with an electrolyte solution contribute to the formation of sizing complexes in the form of coagulates; further addition of the electrolyte leads to the peptization of coagulates with the formation of finely dispersed positively charged peptized particles that are firmly fixed on the fibers. Their subsequent sintering and melting forms a thin hydrophobic film on the surface of the fibers. It has been established that an increase in the electrokinetic potential of the sizing complexes and a decrease in their size contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the rosin sizing process.
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