UDC 004.925.84
Keywords: structured light scanning, additive technologies, 3D printing.
For citation: Dyakova H. N., Smeyan V. E., Kordikova E. I. 3D scan and subsequent manufacturing anatomical models by methods of additive technologies. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2023, no. 1 (265), pp. 15–20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2023-265-1-2 (In Russian).
The article deals with the issues of the possibility of using additive technologies for scanning and printing in the technology of making copies of a given product. The relevance of this work is due to the fact that such studies will make it possible to create models or simulators of varying complexity for institutions of specialized education.
The paper considers the technology of manufacturing copies of products using the example of an anatomical model of the skull from the scanning stage to the stage of printing the final product using the stereolithography method (SLA-printing). The creation of a profile model is carried out using a stationary David-SLS2 scanner with subsequent mathematical processing and “stitching” of scans in the DAVID 3D Scanner Trial v4.2.0 software. The problems of 3D scanning of an object, taking into account the illumination of areas and the quality of the surface, are identified, and ways to solve them are shown.
Taking into account the operating conditions as a visual aid without applying significant loads for printing, the products used a standard White Resin photopolymer composition from Formlabs with standard, recommended by the manufacturer, printing parameters. Subsequent processing of the object allows you to get a matte surface, pleasant to the touch, with a high-quality display of individual elements.
Thus, the possibility of reproducing copies of products of a rather complex configuration using additive synthesis methods is shown.
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