UDC 666.616; 552.11
Keywords: glauconite-containing rocks, overburden rocks, sands, aleurite, aleurolite, petrositall, stone casting, heat treatment, phase composition, pyroxene solid solution, crystallization, chrome spinel, structure, wear resistance, chemical reaction.
For citation: Barantseva S. E., Klimosh Yu. A., Hundzilovich M. M., Azarenko I. M., Pospelov A. V., Kurilovich M. A. Use of glauconite-containing overburden sedimentary rocks for producing glass-ceramic materials. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2023, no. 1 (265). pp. 122–130. DOI: (In Russian).
The results of the study of the possibility of using overburden glauconite-containing rocks of the explored Novodvorskoye basalt and tuff deposit of the Republic of Belarus for the production of petrositalls and stone casting of pyroxene composition are presented. It is confirmed that when sedimentary rocks are used, their chemical-mineral composition, the oxide composition of glass, the temperature-time parameters of its heat treatment are the main factors that determine the directed structure and phase formation in the production of glassceramic materials with a complex of required physical and chemical properties. Raw materials compositions in the system “glauconite-containing rock – dolomite – alumina – soda ash” have been developed, the limits of the mass amount of raw materials of the mixture and basic oxides in the composition of glass have been optimized. It has been established that in terms of geological and structural position, chemical, mineral composition and technological characteristics, glauconite-containing overburden rocks are an acceptable domestic raw material for obtaining glass-ceramic materials with a set of required indicators of basic physical and chemical properties.
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