UDC 630*443.2*414:631*812
Keywords: seeds, seedling, pine, growth regulators, Hydrohumate, waste, photosynthesis pigments, cell membranes.
For citation: Mashkin I. A., Makeenko A. A., Shukanov V. P., Melnikowa E. V., Korytsko L. A., Poljanskaja S. N. The use of peat chemical destruction waste from the production of the Hydrohumate preparation to improve the quality of pine seeds and seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.). Processing of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 1 (264), pp. 14–22.DOI: (In Russian).
The article presents the results of experiments to study the effect of by-products of the chemical destruction of peat (waste) from the production of growth regulator “Hydrogumat” on the quality of seed and planting material of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Seeds were treated with waste by soaking and incrustation in combination with Gisinar-M, and seedlings were sprayed twice with solutions during the growing season. After treatments, the sowing qualities (germination energy, technical germination) and average seed dormancy, as well as morphobiometric (length of the aboveground and underground parts, thickness of the root neck) and physiological and biochemical (content of photosynthesis pigments in the needles and permeability of plant cell membranes) parameters of seedlings.
A positive effect of presowing and foliar treatments with waste from the production of Hydrogumat on the quality of seeds and seedlings of Scotch pine was revealed. Treatments contributed to an increase in germination energy and technical germination of seeds against the background of a decrease in the average seed dormancy of seeds. Activation of photosynthetic processes of plants was also noted, accompanied by an increase in the amount of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the needles of seedlings with an open and closed root system and a simultaneous increase in the integrity of cell photosynthetic and oxidative processes, as well an increase in the integrity of plant cell membranes.
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