UDC 630*377.21-047.37

  • Shoshyn Artsiom Olegovich − assistant lecturer, the Department of Mechanics and Engineering. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: raul777gol@mail.ru, shoshyn@belstu.by

Keywords: mainline, yarding, pulling force, timber, skyroad.

For citation: Shoshyn A. O. Experimental researhes of the cable yarder in flat cutting areas. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 1 (264), pp. 121–132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2023-264-13 (In Russian).


The experimental researches carried out reveal new features of wood harvesting with the help of cable skidders. The subject of the research was the effort in the traction rope and the tests were directed both to the study of individual operations and to the study of the complete cycle of the primary transport of wood in the cutting area. The object of the study was the MTK-431 installation with a fixed carrier rope. A full cycle of hauling a pack was carried out from lifting the load near the place of chokering to unloading the pack in the upper warehouse. A comparison was made of the efforts in the traction rope when moving the bundle along the skidding corridor by drag and in a semi-suspended position. Data were obtained on the influence of frontal resistance in the form of stumps when skidding to the skidding corridor and lying timber during skidding along the skidding corridor. It was determined that the movement of timber by dragging on a logging corridor without frontal obstacles is more efficient than in a semi-suspended position. The peculiarities of the movement of timber on skidding are highlighted and it is established that the movement of a pack from the place of felling to the axis of the skidding portage is associated with overcoming obstacles in the form of stumps, which create significant forces many times greater than the mass of the skidding pack. Directions for further development of the problematic issue of the primary transport of timber in swampy forest areas have been set.


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