UDC 630*37:630*31(476.5)
Keywords: logging, machine system, analysis, efficiency.
For citation: Leonov E. A., Klokov D. V. The use analysis of machine systems for logging at JSC “Vitebskdrev”. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2023, no. 1 (264), pp. 104–110. DOI: (In Russian).
JSC “Vitebskdrev” is a diversified woodworking enterprise that also harvests wood for its needs. To do this, the lumber station uses the following main machine systems: “Ponsse Ergo + Ponsse Buffalo”, “Husqvarna-560XP + Ponsse Buffalo” and “Husqvarna-560XP + MPT-461.1”. The developed annual logging fund is distinguished by a significant variety of natural and production conditions, which in one way or another affect the efficiency of the machines used, and, consequently, the cost of harvesting 1 m3 of wood.
The goal – is the selection and justification of an effective system of machines for logging in specific natural and production conditions.
The article presents a methodology for calculating the production cost of wood harvesting, which allows you to determine the most rational system of logging machines at the planning stage of logging operations, taking into account a number of natural and production factors. The theoretical studies carried out, taking into account the production statistics of JSC “Vitebskdrev”, made it possible to establish rational ranges for the application of the considered machine systems in the conditions of this enterprise, taking into account such factors as the average volume of the whip and the average distance of the delivery of wood raw materials. In particular, it was found that in plantations with an average volume of a tree-length from 0.20 to 0.25 m3 , the considered machine systems are comparable. When developing larger stands, the use of machine systems using chainsaws is on average 1.05–1.08 times more efficient than the machine complex. At the same time, priority in use should be given to specialized forwarders.
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