UDC 94(476)“1917”

  • Semenchyk Nikolai Yefimovich − DSc (History), Professor, the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Вelarus). Е-mail: polity@bk.ru

Keywords: world war, tsarism, Belarus, anti-Semitism, Zionism, Bund, February Revolution, AllRussian Zemstvo Union, All-Russian Union of Cities, Zemgor, Military Industrial Committee, February Revolution, Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, trade unions, Provisional Government, cultural and national autonomy, democratic regime.

For situation: Semenchyk N. Ye. Bund organization of Belarus after the February Revolution of 1917. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 2 (263), pp. 37–43 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6885-2022-263-2-37-43.


The article describes the situation of the Jewish population of Belarus in the midst of the First World War. The author draws attention to the policy of tsarism towards the Jews and their response to it through the national parties' activity, including that of the Bund (the General Jewish Workers' Union in Lithuania, Poland and Russia). Special emphasis is made on the coverage of the process of restoring the old bodies of the Bund and the emergence of new ones after the February Revolution of 1917 as well as their activities in establishing the Soviets of Workers' Deputies, trade unions and shaping new authorities. Local Bundists' attitude to addressing all-Russian state and social problems (and national issues among them) is shown. The conclusion is reached that the Bundist organizations made a significant contribution to the formation and consolidation of the democratic foundations of the new political regime in Belarus.


  1. Vitebskiy listok [Vitebsk leaf], 1917, January, 12.
  2. Natsional Archives of Respublic of Belarus (NARB). Fund 60. I. 4. F. 46. L. 3.
  3. National Historical Archives of Belarus (NHAB). Fund 2496. I. 1. F. 400. L. 41.
  4. Vitebskiy listok [Vitebsk leaf], 1917, March, 10.
  5. Rafes S. M. Ocherki po istorii Bunda [Essays on the history of the Bund]. Moscow, Moskovskiy rabochiy Publ., 1923. 440 p.
  6. NARB. Fund 60. I. 3. F. 169. L. 28.
  7. Novoye varshavskoye utro [New Warsaw morning], 1917, August, 10.
  8. Men’sheviki v 1917 godu. V 3 t. T. 2. Ot iyul’skikh sobytiy do Kornilovskogo myatezha [Mensheviks in 1917. In 3 vols. Vol. 2. From the July events to the Kornilov rebellion]. Moscow, Progress-Akademiya, ROSSPEN Publ., 1995. 832 p.
  9. Izvestiya Vitebskogo Soveta [News of the Vitebsk Council], 1917, May, 20.
  10. Vitebskiy listok [Vitebsk leaf], 1917, August, 12.
  11. Gomel’skaya kopeyka [Gomel kopeck]. 1917. Aprel, 9.
  12. Vpered [Forward], 1917, August, 30.
  13. NARB. Fund 60. I. 3. F. 147. L. 22.
  14. Molot [Hammer], 1917, August, 14.
  15. Rabochaya mysl'[Working thought], 1917, October, 17.
  16. Novoye varshavskoye utro [Working thought], 1917, June, 7.
  17. Rabochaya mysl ' [Working thought], 1917, Oktober, 14.