UDC 355.233.233.1:378
Keywords: army, pre-conscription training, military-patriotic education.
For citation: Klimko M. K. The role of military-patriotic education in the system of training military specialists in Belarus (1917–1920s). Proceedings of BSTU, Lssne 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 2 (263), pp. 32–36 (In Russian). DOI:
This article is about the creation of the system for training military specialists during the period of BSSR. Here we will get to know more about party organizations, the executive committee of the Soviets, military commissariats, Vseobuch of military specialists and ect. It is justified by the need to organise a pre-conscription training on the basis of higher technical education. Military-patriotic education is absolutely the most important part of the country's defensive power.
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