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Keywords: genesis and specifications of religion studу sciences, ontological projections of religious paradigms, discourse of religious ontology and phenomenology by M. Eliade, phenomenological projects of R. Otto, G. van der Leeuw, P. Chantepie de la Saussaye, phenomenological and neophenomenological strategies in religious studies, comparative approaches of M. Müller and C. Tiele, methodology of religion studу sciences.
For citation: Nikonovich N. A. Conceptualization of the idea of religiousness in western religious studies of the XIX–XX centuries. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022. no. 2 (263), pp. 119–124 (In Russian). DOI:
Within the thematic framework of the article various conceptions of modern religious studies are considered, as well as their genesis - a comparative approach and the formation of religious science in the works of M. Müller, the correlation between religion and theological doctrines by P. Chantepie de la Saussaye, the phenomenology of religion by G. van der Leeuw and a number of others, and besides, correlativity of the basic postulates of modern concepts of religion, their representation in cultural discourse. The evolution and modifications of the concept of religiosity in various concepts of Western religious studies and the philosophy of myth are revealed. Within the framework of cultural-ontological reflection, the ideas of M. Eliade, R. Otto regarding the essence of the religious principle, its representation in culture, forms and manifestations are analyzed. The problematization of the category of religiosity in modern discourse is carried out, the conceptual and problematic field of its research is identified, the theories of religion are analyzed in the system of culturological / humanitarian knowledge. The article explicates the conceptual and theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of religiosity and religious experience, concerns the problems of modern religious studies, ontology of religion from the perspective of new approaches and problem areas.
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