UDC 332.64:332.1:330.142
Key words: rent, rent approach, intellectual rent, ecological rent, regional capital, human capital, physical capital, ecological capital.
For citation: Gevrasyova A. P. Valuation of regional capital. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 72–78 (In Russian). DOI:
The article discusses the theoretical and methodological provisions of the valuation of regional capital, which is based on the rental approach. Being an integral part of national capital, regional capital has its own characteristics, due to the regional characteristics of its reproduction and the increasing value of its structural elements over time, which allows them to generate a certain income.
The combination of factors such as location, level of industry specialization and structure of the economy, the presence of competitive advantages, features of regional development determine the specifics of rental relations at the regional level. Systematization of approaches to the essence of rent allows us to conclude that the emergence of its new types changes the content and nature of rent relations. The author substantiates the importance of intellectual and environmental rent for ensuring the economic growth of the territory, the carriers of which are human and environmental capital.
The valuation of regional capital is based on the characteristics of its backbone elements and takes into account the peculiarities of their reproduction. In this work, the author uses international and national regulations, the developments of domestic scientists and his own tools, which together make it possible to form an integrated approach to the valuation of regional capital. The basis of its assessment is human, physical and environmental capital, the application of appropriate capitalization ratios to which shows their increasing value over time. The results of the assessment indicate the importance of human capital as a resource for regional and national development.
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