UDC 311.14(1-87)
Key words: international indicators, index-rating models, comparative analysis.
For citation: Dauksh I. A., Karpinskaya-Sakovich E. V. International index-rating models: statistical analysis. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 58–64 (In Russian). DOI:
In the last few decades, a “rating revolution” has taken place in the world, initiated by Western countries (primarily the United States and Great Britain). Rating organizations claim to have a regulatory role in all areas of public life of States, including the financial sphere and monitoring the state of human rights. Today, international ratings are a form of global power, which is called “the power/power of ratings” (“chart power”).
The article considers the methodology of rating assessments of the levels of institutional development of countries based on international indicators. The types of index-rating models are highlighted. The methodology of using territorial indices in the international comparative analysis of the institutional development of countries is substantiated. It is proposed to create a national research center for the analysis of the world development of states under the leadership of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
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