UDC 551.4

  • Polyanskaya Irina Arkad’yevna − researcher of the Department of Scientific Support of Environmentally Safe Activities. Republican Research Unitary Enterprise “Bel Research Center “Ecology” (76, G. Yakubova str., 220095, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: polianskaya_irina@mail.ru

Keywords: circular economy, waste management, resource conservation, reuse, recycling, sustainable development, social responsibility, environmental protection.

For citation: Polyanskaya I. А. Waste management as a fundamental element of national security. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 94–99 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6877-2022-262-2-94-99.


There is аn inextricable link between economic growth and the environmentаl component in the nationаl strategies for sustainable development of some countries. So the tasks of the comprehensive greening of economic growth are supposed to be solved through the implementation of the concept of а circular economy. An important condition for the functioning of the concept of а circular economy is the reform of established business models in terms of material resource management, in particular the transition to an integrated waste management system. This concept is based on the creation of economic and administrative mechanisms that ensure socially responsible business conduct, which involves the introduction of comprehensive programs to improve resource efficiency, developed taking into account the existing technologies of the enterprise. Another mandatory component of the circular economy concept is socially responsible consumption, which implies а change in the views, thinking and values of а person in relation to nature.

The article contains а theoretical generalization of the accumulated domestic and foreign experience in terms of waste management, considers а typical model of the waste management hierarchy, taking into account the principles of the circular economy, and analyzes the prospects of the Republic of Belarus in the context of moving towards а circular economy model. Particular attention is paid to the need for active participation of business and the population for the successful functioning of the concept.


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