UDC 338.242.4(476)

  • Kramarenko Anna Konstantinovna − PhD (Economics), Assistant Professor, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit. Brest State Technical University (267, Moskovskaya str., 224017, Brest, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: micro- and small enterprises, development conditions, state regulation.

For citation: Kramarenko A. K. Tools and forms of state regulation of micro- and small enterprises development in the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 86–93 (In Russian). DOI:


The key goal of the State Programs “Small and Medium Enterprises in the Republic of Belarus” is to increase the efficiency of micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises and their competitiveness. In modern conditions, micro- and small enterprises do not fully realize the development opportunities: they do not demonstrate growth rates in production, sales and profits, and there is also no significant expansion of the domestic and foreign markets. This situation reflects the unused potential of business entities’, the gap between the emergence of specific entrepreneurial opportunities and their use in production practice. At the same time, the state is making many efforts to accelerate the use of emerging reserves by micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises: the existing measures of regulation, control and support of entrepreneurship are functional and differentiated. The existing mechanisms for the development of entrepreneurship do not have feedback from these subjects (as evidenced by the comprehensive assessment of micro- and small enterprises in the republic). Based on the results of the research, the conclusion was made about the need to develop a comprehensive methodological toolkit for forecasting the development of micro- and small enterprises in the republic, tools for state regulation of entrepreneurship.

The aim of the research is to study the features and evaluate the tools of state regulation of microand small enterprises in the republic for 2010–2020. The scientific novelty of the research is the application of the author’s methodological approach to study the instruments of state influence on the activities of micro- and small enterprises. The relevance of the research is reduced to the insufficiency of the role of micro- and small enterprises in the economy of Belarus. In the article, conclusions are drawn from the analysis of the implementation of the regulatory state impact on the development of micro- and small enterprises according to the study period. At the article, a methodology for calculating the intensity of development of micro- and small enterprises and assessing its impact on the growth of the country’s economy from the standpoint of the product being created is also outlined, and the results are summed up. The materials of the article can be used for further research on the development of micro- and small enterprises in the republic, identifying problems in their functioning.


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