UDC 338.2:004
Key words: digital economic system, system methodology, stages of system evolution, “Internet economy”, “platform-network economy”.
For citation: Novikova I. V. Socio-economic genesis of the digital economic system. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 2 (262), pp. 5–16 (In Russian). DOI:
The genesis and evolution of a system (any) is an important aspect in its study. For without understanding the genesis of the system and the stages that it goes through in its development, it is impossible, firstly, to understand where it came from and where it is moving. And secondly, at what stage is it now and what can be expected from it in the near future. The digital economic system is a new system within a system of systems. But the analysis of its development, like any other system, is within the framework of the system methodology. This article attempts to consider the genesis of the digital economic system and the direction of its trend. It is shown that the digital economic system arises in the bowels of the industrial system. But it is not limited to digitization and automation. It is wrong to associate it only with the “Internet economy”. It is proved that the “Internet economy” is only the genesis and the first stage in the development of a digital economic system. In its development, it is going through a stage of formation called the “platform-network economy”, which in modern conditions is the majority of countries that position themselves as digital. But in the bowels of this stage, the foundations of the “economy of a network of networks with artificial intelligence programming matter” are already being laid. When will the stage of regression come and can this system enter the stage of extinction? The article attempts to answer these questions.
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