UDC 81’33
Keywords: functional discourse analysis, model, formalization, structurization, metalexical significance, unified semantic field.
For citation: Barkovich A. A. Functional discourse analysis: models of formalization and structurization. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 29–35 (In Russian). DOI:
The article is devoted to the consideration of the possibilities of discourse modeling in the aspect of its functionality. Functional discourse analysis makes it possible to create meta-descriptions that are objective and focused on the dynamics of modern communication in the context of its computer mediation. In view of the extensiveness of the linguistic representation of discourse, the expediency of complex modeling of discourse is substantiated. In this regard, the features of formalization and structurization of natural language material at the micro-, proper- and macro-levels of discourse analysis are considered. At each of these levels, functional models of formalization and structurization, as well as hybrid models of discourse analysis, are identified. A general functional metamodel of discourse analysis, structural models of metalexical significance and a unified semantic field are presented. The views about the prospects and potential for the development of modern discourse analysis are systematized.
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