UDC 655.226.5:004.932.2
Keywords: paper, risograph, printing, screening, levels.
For citation: Sulim P. E., Yudenkov V. S. Evaluation of the quality of risographic printing of images on paper. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 17–22 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6729-2022-261-2-17-22.
In the printing industry, there is an increase in flexibility in technology, a significant decrease in the volume of publications is observed, the market for small- and medium-circulation products manufactured in a short time has a significant growth. Сomputer technology has a positive impact on the printing industry. So, in recent years, digital technology and publishing systems have consistently revolutionized the field of prepress. Today’s digital technology, which automates the amplification of text and image information, is developing at a rapid pace. Most of the originals coming to the printing house, the presence of digital layouts. First of all, the presence of the main professional publications was a combination of colors, but today great attention is paid to the overall picture: it should be thorough, rich, “live”. The most important issue affecting the quality of risographic printing is the correct choice of the paper printing base of the print. To do this, it is necessary to take into account such indicators as weight, thickness, whiteness, roughness, which determine the quality of risographic prints. Thus, the technology of risographic printing, which includes a step-by-step task of the software for managing the indicators of the original layout using an upgraded driver and subsequent comprehensive high-quality risographic printing, which maximizes and semi-enlarges the profile of the risographic print in terms of clarity, contrast and correctness of the transmission of tone images and thereby improves the quality of the risographic print. This inevitably reduces the amount of consumables, printing time and energy consumption when printing lot products on a risograph.
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