UDC 655.533:070–053.4
Keywords: children’s magazines, preschool age, classification, artistic and technical design, cover, graphic tools.
For citation: Khvalenya S. V. Main trends of artistic and technical design and visual and graphic style of magazines’ covers for preschool children. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 112–119 (In Russian). DOI:
The article focuses on the functions of children’s magazines and their role in the development of the younger generation. Based on the material of 18 periodicals published in the Republic of Belarus from 2017 to 2022, magazine cover design tools are considered. For illustration purposes, the article presents full and fragmental covers. The paper proposes a classification of magazines within the considered age group, depending on the nature of the materials (artistic works, tasks, games). The author comes to the conclusion that all Belarusian magazines for preschoolers form a system consisting of four groups, which differ in terms of content. It is concluded that the principles of colorfulness, illustrativeness are implemented in all issues for preschool children, while the nature of characters, headings and additional text on the covers vary depending on the materials. In accordance with the proposed classification of children’s magazines, cover design trends are indicated.
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