UDC 811.161’42:070(045)
Keywords: media discourse, press, headline, question, exclamation, imperative, question-answer unity.
For citation: Biyumena A. A. Pragmatics of the Belarusian press headlines. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 83–89 (In Russian). DOI:
The article describes the results of a study of the functioning of interrogative, exclamatory, imperative and question-answer headlines in the modern Belarusian central and regional press. These types of headlines are distinguished by marked dialogueness – appeal to the readership, anticipation of its reaction and the desire to involve it in the discussion of issues and problems that are important for society. The pragmatic types of these headlines in the publications of Belarusian newspapers printed in different regions are outlined, the semantics of articles with such titles is described, and the functions of the corresponding syntactic types of headings in the space of printed media discourse are revealed. It is emphasized that in order to determine the intentional orientation of a particular title of an article, it is necessary to involve extralinguistic knowledge of the current sociocultural situation. It is noted that in the Belarusian printed media marked dialogueness is characteristic mainly of the titles of publications on socially significant topics (public and personal security, compliance with laws, maintaining health, etc.). The introduction of dialogic elements into a monologue media text, on the one hand, helps to implement the persuasive potential of the journalistic text and, on the other hand, contributes to satisfying the information needs of the audience.
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