UDC 62-86
Keywords: transmission mechanism, stretchable belt, non-stretchable belt, tension, forecasting.
For citation: Ergashov М., Babakhanova Kh. A., Abdunazarov M. M., Abdukhalilova M. G., Gromyko I. G. The method of calculating the transfer mechanism with a stretchable or non-stretchable belt. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 2 (261), pp. 5–16 (In Russian). DOI:
A method for calculating the transmission mechanism with three internal and one external pulleys has been developed. The formulation and solution of the problem of rotation of the belt of the transmission mechanism rotating in stationary mode with a given speed are given. The problem, in the case of belt stretching within the limits of elasticity, is reduced to the numerical solution of a system of four algebraic equations with respect to deformations of the four branches of the belt. In the case of an inextensible belt, the dependences of the value and the law of tension distribution between the free-from-contact branches of the belt on the properties of the material, design and technological parameters, as well as the rotation speed of the mechanism, convenient for conducting numerical and experimental studies, are obtained. Solutions have been obtained that can be used in designing new and predicting rational design and technological parameters of a given transmission mechanism of printing equipment, identifying the causes of the appearance and measures to eliminate various defects that arise during the operation of transmission mechanisms and technological machines.
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