UDC 66.021.1

  • Volk Anatoliy Matveevich − PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Higher Mathematics. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str, 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: vortex apparatuses, physical and chemical processes, mass transfer, rotary apparatus, liquid dispersion, experimental studies, dispersion composition, liquid entrainment, practical recommendations.

For citation: Volk A. M. Analysis of transfer processes in the rotory apparatus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no 2 (260), pp. 26–30 (In Russian). DOI:


The proposed article considers the possibility of using vortex apparatuses for interfacial interaction in various physical and chemical processes in the chemical, food, gas production, construction and other industries. In mass transfer processes, one or more distributed components pass from one phase to another via their active interface. For effective execution of these processes in absorbers, rectifiers, adsorbers, extractors a developed surface of interacting phases is important. The majority of chemical reactions in reaction vessels and heterogeneous media occur at feeding of the initial distributed substances into the reaction zone and removal of the formed products from the zone of chemical interaction through the phase interface. These processes are also used for solving environmental problems: for sanitary purification of ventilation gases and wet emissions purification. At evaporation, ab-sorption, rectification, wet gas purification and other processes the task of prevention of carry-over of drops of liquid with the gas stream is actual. The paper considers one of the designs of a rotor multistage mass-exchange apparatus which allows achieving a uniform fine pulverized liquid atomization at ascending cross-movement of gas. The diagrams of installations for the experiment are given. The dependence of average diameter of dispersed liquid droplets on geometrical and hydrodynamic parameters is obtained on the basis of experimental studies. The disperse composition is described, allowing to determine the main characteristics used in physicochemical processes. By theoretical and experimental methods the estimation of liquid phase entrainment is made, the analysis of the process is carried out and practical recommendations are given.


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