UDC 316.776
Key words: algorithms, information-centric networks, semantic, routers table, address, garbage collection, cache, time to leave.
For citation: Jaber G., Patsei N. V., Semantic based Information-Centric Networking routing algorithms. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no. 2 (260), pp. 108–113. DOI:
The article addressed the problem of routing in the field of Information-Centric Networking where a new semantic-based scheme is proposed to solve the obstacles facing IP networks. The paper represents the structure of routing tables for Semantic Information-Centric Networking (SICN) 3D-addressing: Semantic-Pub ID, Geo-Pub ID, Semantic-Geo. Four different scenarios based on information content type are used. Three algorithms for the 3D-address routing table and two for the cache ae presented: Router Record Update Algorithm, Cache TTL Update algorithm, Geo-Pub ID Garbage Collector algorithm, Semantic Garbage Collector algorithm, Cache Garbage Collector algorithm. This algorithms used for adding, removing and merging records in routing tables and based on Time to Live parameter. The article described semantic, geographical and publisher ID matching. Based on the developed algorithms, modeling was performed for four scenarios of network operation by metric Time Delay, Flooding or Traffic, and Efficiency Reuse factor for data. Compared with other ICN projects. The effectiveness of SICN and it’s routing algorithms was shown.
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