UDC 681.53
Key words: identification, non-linear dynamics, constant speed electrical mechanism.
For citation:Hryniuk D. A., Oliferovich N. M., Suhorukova I. G., Orobei I. O. Influence of electrical actuator parameters on the process of identification of the control object dynamics dynamics. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematic. Informatics, 202, no. 2 (260), pp. 80–86 (In Russian). DOI:
The process variable control loops can use various equipment for technical implementation. When tuning the controllers of these systems and their modeling, both linear and non-linear properties of objects should be taken into account. When using electric actuator in control systems to move the valve, one should take into account the presence of significant non-linearities that can greatly affect the process, including identification.
To assess the influence of non-linear properties of electric drives of actuators, simulation modeling for various parameters of the object and non-linear properties of the drive was carried out. The speed of movement of the actuator was fixed, while the dynamics of the second order control object was changed in such a way that it was either faster or slower than the actuator. In addition, the ratio between the time response of the control object varied. Since the object has non-linear characteristics, the identification was performed with several variants of the reference signal.
The identification was carried out by minimizing the roof-mean-square deviation between the initial acceleration curve of the nonlinear object and the transfer function of the second and third orders. An analysis of the approximation results showed that the nonlinear properties of the actuator have a significant impact on the process of identifying the dynamic properties until time response of the object becomes much greater than the dynamics of the actuator. The rational order of the transfer function of the approximation of the control object is also determined by the relationship between the dynamics of the actuator and the dynamics of the control object. To linearize the nonlinear properties of the actuator, it is worth introducing a delay link into the transfer function.
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