UDC 537.633.2
Key words: millimeter waves, Faraday effect, magnetoplasma reflection, carrier concentration, effective mass.
For citation: Madyarov V. R. Measurement of electronic transfer parameters in semiconductors using magnetoplasmic reflection and magnetic rotation effects. Proceedings of the BSTU, issue 3, Physics and Mathematics. Informatics, 2022, no. 2 (260), pp. 65–69 (In Russian). DOI:
The use of magneto-optical effects in the microwave range makes it possible to obtain information about such parameters of electron transfer in semiconductor materials and multilayer nanostructures as mobility, effective mass and relaxation time. Measurements with the longitudinal and transverse orientation of the magnetic field relative to the wave vector of the incident wave (in the geometry of Faraday and Voigt) are more effective in combination with probing the sample for the passage of the wave. Calculations show that in the longitudinal geometry, the parameters of a semiconductor can be determined by the magnitude of the frequency shift Δω of the edge of the magnetoplasmic reflection in the far IR region. The minimum transmission coefficient is achieved at certain relations between the frequency of the probing wave, cyclotron and magnetoplasma frequencies, which depend on the effective mass and carrier concentration. To observe the effect of reducing in transmission of the IR wave due to the magnetoplasmic resonance, an increase in the concentration of carriers was used by changing the photoexcitation power. The estimation of the effective mass using the measured shift Δω provides a value that is in satisfactory agreement with the known data. It is shown that in the n-Si sample, with the longitudinal orientation of the magnetic field, the rotation constant monotonically increases with a frequency in the range of 50-80 GHz and is approximately an order of magnitude higher than the value obtained for the transverse magnetic field. The obtained data allow to use the most efficient and technically simple measurement arrangement.
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