UDC 691.57
Key words: sodium metasilicate, alkaline solution, water glass, sulfuric acid, silica.
For citation: Lukash E. V., Shalukho N. M., Kachurina V. S. Obtaining and investigation of properties anhydrous sodium metasilicate. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 2 (259), pp. 56–63 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2022-259-2-56-63.
The paper considers the existing methods for the production of anhydrous sodium metasilicate, identifies the main stages of its production: the first is the synthesis of silica by the interaction of sulfuric acid and liquid glass; the second is alkaline treatment of precipitated silica with sodium hydroxide solution; the third is the crystallization of anhydrous sodium metasilicate. The advantage of the production of anhydrous alkali metal metasilicates in comparison with nine- and five-water metasilicates is noted due to the achievement of better performance properties, such as a high content of the main substance, lower hygroscopicity and dissolution time. The optimal parameters for the processing of liquid glass into anhydrous sodium metasilicate by sulfuric acid precipitation of silica and its subsequent alkaline treatment have been established:
– sulfuric acid precipitation of silica: the ratio of water glass : sulfuric acid – 1 : 2; sulfuric acid concentration – 50%; process temperature – 20°С; duration – 1.5 hours;
– alkaline treatment: solid-liquid ratio – 1: 6; concentration of sodium hydroxide solution – 350 g/l; synthesis temperature – 95 ± 1°С; alkaline treatment time – 90 min.
The main consumer properties of the synthesized anhydrous sodium metasilicate, in particular, hygroscopicity and dissolution time, have been studied. A comparative analysis of the above properties of sodium metasilicates of various degrees of hydration has been carried out. A significant influence of the particle shape on the main consumer properties is noted.
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