UDC 547.913+665.53

  • Cherney Irina Sergeyevna − Master of Biological Sciences, PhD student. Polessky State University (23, Dneprovskoy flotilii str., 225710, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Bekhter Anastasiia − Master of Engineering, PhD student. Lodz Technical University (116, Zeromskogo str., 90-924, Lodz, Republic of Poland). E-mail:

  • Cheshchevik Vitaliy Tadeushevich − PhD (Biological). Polessky State University (23, Dneprovskoy flotilii str., 225710, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Śmigielski Krzysztof − Professor, DSc (Engineering). Lodz Technical University (116, Zeromskogo str., 90-924, Lodz, Republic of Poland). E-mail:

Key words: essential oil, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, ozonation, Artemisia absinthium, Humulus lupulus.

For citation: Cherney I. S., Anastasiia Bekhter., Cheshchevik V. T., Krzysztof Smigielski. Influence of the ozonation process on the composition of essential oils of Artemisia absinthium and Humulus lupulus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 2 (259), pp. 182–190 (In Russian). DOI:


Essential oils are a complex combination of various volatile substances, the composition of which depends on the type and location of the plant. Most of the components of essential oils are used in pharmacy and healthcare, perfumery and cosmetics, food and alcoholic beverage industries. The article presents data on the effect of the ozonization process of plant raw materials on the component composition of essential oils of Artemisia absinthium and Humulus lupulus. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation using on a modified Dering apparatus. The component composition of the oil was determined by chromato-mass spectrometry on a Trace GCUltra gas chromatograph coupled to a DSQ II Mass Spectrometer with an MSFID splitter ionization detector. Plant material was placed with distilled water into a special reactor through which ozone was passed. The ozonation process continued until the ozone concentration in the reactor reached 3 g/m3 for Humulus lupulus and 2 g/m3 for Artemisia absinthium. As a result of ozonation of plant raw materials, a statistically significant decrease in the yield of essential oil by 42% for wormwood and 31% for hop was observed, as well as a change in the qualitative and quantitative composition. After ozonization, the essential oil of wormwood contained 57% and hop − 71% of new components, respectively. Humulene was the predominant component in the essential oil of hop, but in the case of ozonization, its amount decreased by 70%. The predominant component of the essential oil of wormwood is myrcene (20%), the content of which after ozonation decreased by 5 times.


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