UDC 666.295.4:666.75
Key words: alumina microspheres, manganese-containing aluminosilicate compounds, material properties, structure, phase composition.
For citation: Azarau S. M., Drobysh A. A., Eutukhova T. E., Balydko D. N., Gamzeleva T. V. Formation of a regular pore structure in microfiltration materials from alumina microspheres and manganesecontaining aluminosilicate compositions. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 2 (259), pp. 175–181 (In Russian). DOI:
Aluminum oxide microspheres (diameter < 40 microns), characterized by an almost ideal spherical shape, can form selective layers with a regular structure on large-porous aluminosilicate substrates. The oretically, it is shown that in this case the porosity can reach 47.6%. At the same time, the shape of the pore channels, which is a cavity between spherical particles with a tortuosity coefficient of up to 1.0, creates conditions for backwashing with a constant period of filter cycles between regenerations.
At the same time, aluminum oxide microspheres with a nanodisperse surface structure, unlike aluminosilicate microspheres, are a new material and the sintering process of such particles has been little studied. In this paper, we investigated the possibility of using sintering of aluminum oxide microspheres in order to form a microfiltration layer of a regular structure. To do this, a charge of Al2O3 – SiO2 − MnO2 pretreated in an attritor was added to the microspherical powder in an amount of 10 wt. % followed by thorough mixing of the components.
It is established that sintering of microspheres with additives of mechanoactivated charge Al2O3 – SiO2 − MnO2 at temperatures of 930–970°C leads to the formation of a regular pore structure formed in the presence of the liquid phase. At the same time, the volume shrinkage does not exceed 12%. This indicates a limited wetting of aluminum oxide microspheres with the liquid phase during sintering in the temperature range under study. Consequently, when sintering a charge based on aluminum oxide microspheres, a type of liquid-phase sintering is provided. According to the RFA data, the obtained material contains α-Al2O3 (corund) as the main phase, as well as orthorhombic modified sillimanite (25– 27%), hexagonal quartz (24–26%), tetragonal pyrolusite (8–10%).
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