UDC 621.91.01
Key words: water-soluble cutting liquids, alkanolamine salts, terpenoid components, rosin, tall oil, productivity, thermal stability.
For citation: Klyuev A. Yu., Puchkova N. V., Prokopchuk N. R. Properties research and technology development coolant lubricant water-based SOZH LKh-2 using OKMA adduct. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2022, no. 2 (259), pp. 132–142 (In Russian). DOI:
When machining metal products from ferrous alloys, various lubricating and cooling cutting liquids (CCL) with a high content of mineral oils and surfactants (alkanolamine salts of fatty acids) are used. Such ingredients create big problems for enterprises in terms of disposal of waste solutions, additional separation of oils. The use of oil-based CCL also has a negative impact on the health of the company's employees and significantly worsens the environment. High operating temperature loads lead to thermal degradation of components and a decrease in the performance properties of the lubricant. Therefore, the present study considers the production of water-soluble products based on domestic and renewable pine resin and the study of their thermostable properties. Such CCL are more environmentally friendly and do not require additional disposal. Wood chemistry products (adducts), due to their chemical structure, are poorly soluble in an oil base, but highly soluble in water and can replace mineral oils.
The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the first obtained water-soluble thermostable salts of terpenoidnomaline adductors (TDMA), depending on the modifier used (ethanol-, diethanol-, triethanol- ethanolamine). It was found that for each group of the studied adduct salts with an increase in the molecular weight and the number of hydroxyl groups of alkanolamine introduced in the salt formation reaction, a corresponding increase in the destruction temperature ср Tд is observed: for the salts EASOK – EASFKMA3 – 260–334°С, DASOK – DASFKMA3 – 286–345°С, TASOK – TASFKMA3 – 307–366°С; for sodium salts NaSOK – NaSFKMA3 – 356–419°С. The obtained experimental data were later used for the development of water-soluble coolants LH, LH-1, LH-2 and the organization of their pilot production at a pilot site for the production of CCL at the State Scientific Institution of the Institute of Chemical and Nuclear Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
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