UDC 630*52:630*228.8(630*176.322.6):630*11
Key words: reserve, oak forest, dynamics, productivity, environmental factors.
For citation: Uglyanets A. V., Garbaruk D. K., Shumak S. V. Dynamics and productivity of oak forests in the absence of economic activities in the south-east of the Belarusian Polesye. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 55–66 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-258-2-55-66.
The long absence of forestry activities in the Belarusian sector of the exclusion zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located in the outermost south-east of Belarus, within the boundaries of which the Polesyе State Radiation-Ecological Reserve operates, has given a unique opportunity to trace the dynamics and evaluate the productivity of naturally developing oak forests under conditions of minimal anthropogenic impact.
For 35 years, the area of oak forests has been increasing due to their natural restoration and the artificial creation of its plantations on former agricultural lands. They were reduced in smaller quantities, as a result of the drying up of high-age stands, the displacement of oak from the young stands by smallleaved species, destruction by forest fires. For the first 25 years, the area of oak forests under the age of 60 decreased, and over 60 years – increased. During this time, the relative completeness and productivity of oak forests increased, but the productivity class decreased. Over the past 10 years, the productivity class and the stem stock of stands have stabilized, and the area of high-age stands and the completeness of oak forests have begun to decline.
High-aged oak forests are mostly stunted, rare, are at the stage of slow degradation. Their productivity is significantly lower than potential. An increase in the intensity of drying of trees, the degree of degradation of stands and a decrease in their productivity in the dry land oak forests is observed in the row of the Quercetum pteridiosum – Quercetum oxalidosum – Quercetum aegopodiosum, in floodplain oak forests – Quercetum nemoroso-fluvialis – Quercetum subalveto-fluvialis – Quercetum graminoso-fluvialis.
The drying of the upper branches and trees of oak occurs as a result of their physiological weakening due to the violation of the hydrological regime of soils caused by hydraulic reclamation in the past, and the subsequent decrease in resistance to the effects of diseases and insect pests.
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