UDC 674.055:621.93.023.2
Key words: claw curtain, axis, deformation, fluidity, load.
For citation: Grinevich S. A., Grishkevich A. A. Elastic-plastic deformation of the claw curtains axes. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 162–166 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-258-2-162-166.
Woodworking production is characterized by high injuries. One of the reasons for serious injuries and accidents, even with a fatal outcome, is the reverse release of processed lumber or their elements. The greatest risk of departure is typical for woodworking circular sawing machines designed for longitudinal sawing of natural wood. To capture the workpiece when it is ejected back, regulatory documents prescribe the installation of curtains from safety stops (claw curtains).
For the competent design of curtain elements from safety stops, it is necessary to know the load with which the flown element acts on protection. Obviously, this value can be determined only indirectly. And one of the ways is to calculate the load through the residual deformation of the structural elements of the claw curtain. To do this, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the magnitude of the curvature of the axis of the curtain from the safety stops and the bending moment acting on it.
In this paper, mathematical dependences are obtained that make it possible to establish a relationship between the acting bending moment and the curvature of the axis of the curtains made of safety stops for the case of elastic-plastic deformation. The obtained dependences are the basis for determining the loads acting on the axis of the claw curtain, in the presence of its residual deformation.
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