UDC 630*232
Key words: current growth, spatial structure, complex forest stand, regression analysis.
For citation: Sevko O. A., Kotsan V. V. Dependence of the radial growth of pine and spruce from changes in spatial structure complex stand. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 20–26 (In Russian). DOI:
A study of the influence of changes in the spatial structure on the radial growth of pine and spruce trees in a complex forest stand is presented. The results obtained make it possible to evaluate thinnings carried out in the forest stand and optimize thinnings in the future to maximize the growth of forest stands and obtain the maximum profit from forest cultivation.
Based on the spatial distribution of trees in a complex forest stand, an assessment was made of the influence on the radial growth of the considered pine and spruce trees of the distance to the stumps formed as a result of thinning. Taking into account the interspecific influence of trees growing nearby. The study used a regression analysis of the dependence of the radial growth on the spatial structure of the forest stand around the trees under study. Radial growth was studied from cores scanned and measured using Quantum GIS.
It was revealed that the increase in increment in volume 5 years after the thinning of thinning. A detailed study of the radial increment shows that the felling of neighboring trees gives an increase in the radial increment of the central pine trees from 20 to 50%. On average for the studied trees – 30%. The increase in radial growth in spruce trees after felling, according to the measurements of annual layers of cores, reaches 58‒71%, on average for the trees under study ‒ 49.2%.
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