UDC 684.73:658.562
Key words: complex assessment, design, upholstered furniture, quality, anatomical effect, orthopedic effect.
For citation: Ignatovich L. V., Gordiyevich E. I. Analysis of complex quality assessments affecting the anatomical and orthopedic effects in the design of upholstered furniture. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 137–147 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents a review of literary data on the impact of comprehensive quality assessments on the anatomical and orthopedic effect of soft elements of furniture, the main provisions related to comfort (ease of use) with upholstered furniture, features of the design of soft elements are considered.
A comprehensive assessment of the quality required in the design of soft elements of furniture (mattresses), takes into account the anatomical and orthopedic effect and shows how its usefulness is determined by constructive and technological factors, technical and economic, physical and mechanical, chemical, aesthetic and other indicators.
The main task facing modern designers in the design of upholstered furniture is the need to consider not only comprehensive quality assessment, which affects anatomical and orthopedic effects of soft elements (reducing stress on the spine, minimizing pressure on the body, providing gentle support for the spine), but also construction and technological features of furniture - the rationality in terms of its functional purpose (design, shape, size, properties of the original material and softness). Currently, there is an increase of cultural and household needs of people and it is the desire to meet these needs as much as possible causes designers to approach in a different way to create new types of furniture, not only focusing on the external design of the product, but also increasing its main operational feature - comfort, which, in turn, depends on the choice of design and form, its size, properties of the original material and softness.
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