UDC 630*356
Key words: cutting area, parameters, technological elements, methods, modeling, forwarder, productivity.
For citation: Pankratovich A. S., Protas P. A. Methods for assessing the impact of the placement of technological elements of the cutting area on the forwarder’s performance. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 130–136 (In Russian). DOI:
In the process of logging operations, a large amount of labor is spent on carrying out transport and logistics operations by the forwarder (collecting and loading round timber materials onto a cargo platform, their skidding, including working, idling and maneuvering of the machine, sorting, unloading and stacking), which significantly affects the efficiency of work and productivity of the forwarder. Optimization of these operations can be carried out in various ways, for example, using mathematical modeling, or using a ready-made software product. The analysis of mathematical modeling methods was carried out and the variants of their application in various fields of logging production were given, as well as the analysis of ready-made software solutions that make it possible to optimize moving operations with less labor.
The software product Ponsse Forwarder Game was used to test the analysis of the performance of transport and logistics operations by the forwarder. For this purpose, the technological parameters of the logging process were set, such as the overall dimensions of the cutting area and its technological elements, the main taxation indicators, the number of varietal groups when sorting round timber, and the layout of the technological elements of the cutting areas were drawn up in accordance with the organization of logging operations and the requirements of regulatory documents.
As a result of the research, certain conclusions were obtained about the applicability and effectiveness of using the method of evaluating the optimization of transport and logistics operations in the cutting area based on the software product Ponsse Forwarder Game and the analysis of the forwarder’s productivity.
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