UDC 634.734/.737:631.527.5

  • Gordey Dmitriy Vasil’yevich − PhD (Biology), Senior Lecturer, the Department of Tourism, Nature Management and Game Management. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: gordey@belstu.by

  • Morozov Oleg Vcevolodovich − DSc (Biology), Professor, the Department of Forestry and Forest Use. Bialystok University of Technology (8, Pilsudskiego str., 17-200, Haynowka, Republic of Poland). E-mail: a.marozau@pb.edu.pl

Key words: interspecies hybrids, bush height, diameter of the horizontal projection of the bush crown, bark color, developed riding peat bogs, Belarusian Lakeland.

For citation: Gordey D. V., Morozov O. V. Features of the habitus of interspecific blueberry hybrids (Vaccinium corymbosum L. (Spartan, Duke) ♀ × Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. ♂), cultivated on developed riding peat bogs in Belarusian Lakeland. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 109–118 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2022-258-2-109-118.


The prospects for entering the market of fresh berry products as part of the development of the blueberry industry in the Belarusian Lake Land largely depend on the success of selection work to obtain highly winter-hardy and large-fruited interspecific hybrids of highbush and low bush blueberries. This article presents the results of the analysis of the habitus of generation in the combination of V. corymbosum (Spartan, Duck) ♀ × V. angustifolium ♂ crossing, which are important for understanding the inheritance characteristics of above mentioned representatives of the genus Vaccinium with purpose to obtaining individuals of half-highbush blueberries with the certain properties and characteristics.

70.0% of interspecies hybrids with a bush width within 90–149 cm combine the features of two parent species in the structure of their above-ground vegetative sphere. Shoots located directly in the center of the bush crown have a strictly vertical position typical of highbush blueberry stems. The remaining branches repeat the spatial position of the shoots of the low bush blueberry: when leaving the substrate, they fall to the surface of the peat and creep along it until they reach the periphery border of the crown of the bush, where they rise.

The predominance in the offspring of forms closer to phenotype of lowbush blueberries is evidenced by the height of hybrids, which in 63.2% of plants is not overtop to 60 cm. The proportion of hybrids with a height within 0.9–1.5 m respondent under this parameter the "classical" definition of half-highbush blueberries was only 7.9%.

The red color of the bark of shoots is inherent in 84% of hybrids. Burgundy-red shade in the blood tissues of vegetative organs was detected in 15%. At the same time, as a rule, shoots are not completely covered with pigment, but only from the side facing the sun. And in only 1% of plants or 2 from 163 items, the green color of the shoots remains regardless of their spatial location. The habitus of the latter fully corresponds to the plants of V. angustifolium. The cross-sectional shape of the annual branches of all interspecies hybrids is round. The presence of hairs on the shoots was not detected.

The absence of visible damage to the crop crown by a complex of abiotic factors of the winter period fully confirms the information from literary sources on the high winter resistance of hybrids.


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