UDC 504.54:378:911.9
Key words: landscape and aesthetic attractiveness, attractiveness assessment, educational and ecological trail, tourist potential, environmental education, recreational geography.
For citation: Andreeva V. L. Assessment of the attractiveness of educational and ecological trails resources. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2022, no. 2 (258), pp. 94–104 (In Russian). DOI:
Aesthetic assessment of attractiveness allows us to identify the most promising territories for educational and educational activities and recreational tourism, which is associated with the selection and selection of unique objects with a sufficiently high degree of preservation, value (primarily from an educational and educational point of view), with high natural resource potential. The article presents a modified methodology for assessing the attractiveness of educational and ecological trails. The choice of selection criteria for taking into account the aesthetic attractiveness of the resources of educational and ecological trails is analyzed. The evaluation criteria are determined by the functional purpose, directly by the users and directly depend on the resource potential of the territory. The developed matrix for assessing the attractiveness of the educational and ecological path includes such blocks as the compositional structure of the landscape, the overall attractiveness of the landscape and the characteristics of natural components – geological, lithological, geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, vegetation and wildlife. In each block, criteria are highlighted, which are evaluated in points. Based on the prepared matrix, an assessment of the educational and ecological path within the boundaries of the Minsk district (the central part of the Republic of Belarus) was carried out. An analysis of the assessments of each of the stopping points on the route allows us to judge the degree of attractiveness of each, helps to identify the potential of the territory, select the most “interesting” objects and determine the subject of each point of the route.
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