UDC 94(470)“1917”

  • Semenchyk Nikolai Yefimovich − DSc (History), Professor оf the Department of History of Belarus and Political Science. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Вelarus). Е-mail:

Keywords: February Revolution, Provisional Government, revolutionary democracy, democratic regime, Belarus, national question, Western Front, soldiers’ committees, Constituent Assembly, Bolsheviks, October coup.

For citation: Semenchyk N. Ye. Results of the February revolution in Belarus. Proceeding of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 32–37 (In Russian). DOI:


The article indicates the paucity of the scientific comprehension of the February Revolution as well as the lack of consolidated data on its results for the then Russian state (including Belarus). The author shows the situation in the Russian Empire at the beginning of 1917, the military-police regime which was characteristic of it, the operation of wartime laws, the aggravation of economic difficulties and, at the same time, the presence of the patriotic movement aiming to assist the acting army. Consideration is given to the State Duma Cadet deputies’ role in undermining the authority of the Tsarist government and inciting political tension in the country. Concurrently, the author relies on the well-known scientific concept which states that the revolution in the country, including Belarus, grew out of the Petrogradbased workers’ and soldiers’ uprising that prevailed on February 27, 1917. The major achievements of the revolution at the stage of its peaceful development, including the elimination of the autocracy with its system of administrative power and law enforcement agencies, the provision of broad political rights and democratic freedoms to all segments of the population сounting the military, are clarified. The results of revolutionary changes on the Western Front, in cities, towns and villages of Belarus are highlighted. The successful implementation of their national interests by the Jewish and Polish population along with the reasons that impeded the Belarusian movement is shown. The article calls attention to the role of the Provisional Government and revolutionary democracy in the formation of a democratic regime as well as to the importance of the Constituent Assembly as a generally recognised means for resolving all urgent problems. The exacerbation of the political crisis in the country and its manifestations in Belarus in the autumn of 1917 are reflected. Some February Revolution winnings used by the Bolsheviks to seize power in Belarus are mentioned.


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