UDC 973:2
Key words: USA, Religion, Protestantism, Social Christianity, “Progressive Era”.
For citation: Kosmach P. G. To the question of the development of social Christianity in the USA (late 19th – early 20th century). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 23–26 (In Russian) . DOI:
The article discusses some aspects of the evolution of social Christianity in the United States during the Progressive Era. The reasons for activation of social work of Catholic and Protestant churches, as well as their proposals for the harmonization of labor relations and the whole economic life are analyzed. It is concluded that the social Christianity played an important role in strengthening the reformist approaches for solving the problems of the industrial society of that time. The rise of social Christianity eventually stimulated the development of transformations within the “Progressive Era” in the United States, and indicated the beginning of the partial abolition of unregulated capitalism.
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