UDC 347.78
Key words: arbitration court, arbitration court, litigation, applicable law, arbitration clause.
For citation: Kulis L. A. Аlternative ways to resolve disputes. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257) pp. 151–154 (In Russian). DOI:
The relevance of the issue of the role and significance of alternative ways of considering civil and economic disputes in our country is due to a significant increase in the total number of disputes both between citizens and with the participation of business entities. Alternative methods are based on minimizing the shortcomings that are present in the traditional judicial system, which usually include excessive formalization of the process, high legal costs, a long period for considering a dispute, and some others. The appeal of citizens and organizations for consideration of a dispute to arbitration courts, as well as to an international arbitration (arbitration) court, which are not part of the judicial system of the Republic of Belarus, is one of the effective alternative ways to resolve disputes about law.
- On Arbitration Courts: Law of Republic of Belarus, 18.07.2011, no. 301. Available at: (accessed 19.02.2022) (In Russian).
- On the International Arbitration (Arbitration) Court: Law of Republic of Belarus, 09.07.1999, no. 279. Available at: (accessed 19.02.2022) (In Russian).
- Economic Procedural Code of the Republic of Belarus, 15.12.1998, no. 219. Available at: (accessed 19.02.2022) (In Russian).