UDC 355.01(476)
Key words: Belarus, national security, society, military sphere of national security, military violence, determinants, military danger, military threat.
For citation: Ksenofontov V. A. Determinants of ensuring military security of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 131–136 (In Russian). DOI:
Military security of the state is provided by functioning of the military sphere as a major component of the national security. Considering the increase and transformation of violence in international relations, the determination and systematization of determinants of peaceful conditions for the development of an individual, society and state is a vitally important condition for being a society. It is determined that modern war is a complex destructive social technology carried out by the opposite side in its own interests. Military doctrine as a philosophy of military security of the state contains components: political, military-strategic, military-organizational, military-forecasting, military-technical, military-economic. These elements are the basic determinants of ensuring military security. Their essential definition is the most important task of the subjects of politico-military activity. The prevention of transformation of military dangers into military threats to the social system is the most important criterion of effectiveness of managerial activity in the sphere of defense. Main internal and external sources of military threats in the military sphere of national security are clarified. A significant area of strengthening the military sphere of national security is strengthening the spiritual and attitudinal factors that determine an individual's readiness to protect national interests. The social role of the military sphere of national security is described, it is suggested to consider the creation of a comprehensive regulatory legal document containing the fundamental provisions governing the entire military sphere.
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