UDC 141.319.8+101.1:316

  • Shirokanov Dmitry Ivanovich – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher, the Department of Theory of Knowledge and Methodology of Science. Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/2, Surganova str., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

  • Chervinsky Alexander Sergeevich – PhD (Philosophy), Senior Researcher, the Department of Social Ecology and Bioethics. Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1/2, Surganova str., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: “society-nature” system, structural and functional unity, “whole” and “part”, functional socio-natural interdependence, cultural ecosystems.

For citation: Shirokanov D. I., Chervinsky A. S. The unity of natural and social as a philosophical problem. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 108–112 (In Russian). DOI:


Philosophical analysis of the problem of integration of social and natural patterns suggests an answer to the question: at what level is such an association possible. The elements that make up the socio-natural system represent different substrate levels of movement: natural (it includes the carriers of mechanical, physical and biological forms of movement) must form a single whole with the social, which, although it includes all the listed forms of movement in a removed form, nevertheless represents a qualitatively excellent level. The patterns of a system of this order, apparently, should contain elements of various material and structural levels in the form of subordination. The possibility of the coexistence of natural and social laws within the framework of one system cannot raise fundamental objections. The question is how these regularities can be combined into one dynamically connected whole. The most probable variant of such unity seems to be a functionally interconnected manifestation of the natural and social aspects. Integrity is ensured by the general complementarity of the social and natural factors in the maintenance and development of biogeocinosis. Fundamental in the normative interpretation is the recognition of the equivalence of the influence of factors in ensuring the corresponding metabolic processes.


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