UDC 94(476.4)

  • Opiok Tamara Vladimirovna – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Archeology, History of Belarus and Special Historical Disciplines. Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University (1, Kosmonavtov str., 212022, Mogilev, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: the Great Patriotic War, reconstruction, industrial enterprises, workers of mass professions, mobilization, the system of state labor reserves.

For citation: Opiok T. V. Workers of enterprises of Mogilev: sources and ways of replenishment (1944–1945). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 75–79 (In Russian). DOI:


The article analyzes the problem of providing personnel for workers of mass professions of enterprises liberated during Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944 in the city of Mogilev. The reasons for the limited opportunities, the main directions and forms, as well as the features and first results of the activities of local authorities in this area of restoration work are noted. The main sources and ways of providing Mogilev enterprises with workers of mass professions in the conditions of the ongoing Great Patriotic War are shown. There are changes in the composition of the working class that occurred in 1943–1945 and were associated with the involvement of women and adolescents, demobilized servicemen and partisans, and the use of prisoners of war at certain labor facilities. Based on the documents, the article also shows the measures of central and local authorities to restore and organize the training of skilled workers in educational institutions of the state labor reserves system – factory training schools and vocational schools, including special vocational schools for orphans. The results of the research and conclusions are based on the analysis of documentary materials, including archival documents, statistical data, periodical materials.


  1. The State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region (SAPAMR). Fund 9. I. 1. F. 11.
  2. History of vocational and secondary specialized education of the Republic of Belarus (1852–2019). Available at:›Istoriya/Istoriya.html (accessed 02.02.2022) (In Russian).
  3. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 1. F. 82.
  4. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 1. F. 22.
  5. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 8. F. 53.
  6. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 1. F. 84.
  7. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 1. F. 87.
  8. SAPAMR. Fund 9. I. 1. F. 41.