UDC 325.2(476)«1921/1939»
Key words: Belarusian diaspora, Belarusian emigration, intensity of emigration, shipping companies, North America, South America.
For citation: Koval V. U. The influence of shipping companies on the intensity of the Belarusian emigration (1921–1939). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, no. 1 (257), pp. 55–59 (In Belarusian). DOI:
The article analyzes the influence of shipping companies on the intensity of the Belarusian emigration wave to the countries of North and South America from 1921 to 1939. The Polish government agencies tried to control the profits of the foreign shipping companies. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Labour and Social Protection analyzes the emigration scale, The Emigration bureau and the Emigration syndicate cooperated with the foreign shipping companies. The effective advertising agents increased the intensity of the emigration to Canada, USA, Argentina, Brazil. The English ship line “Red Star Line” had the most active advertising in Western Belarus. The Polish authorities wanted to increase the profits of the state-owned company “Gdynia-America”, that is why they limited the business of foreign lines at the legislative level. The author comes to the conclusion that the best time for the shipping lines was the 1920s, because it was a period of the mass emigration. The world economic crisis had the negative impact on the sale of the ship charts. In the 1930s the Canadian and English lines declared about the unfair competition and about the economic discrimination in Poland.
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