UDC 630*5:612
Key words: sustainable development, forest management, forestry, system analysis, forestry production, carbon sequestration, rent relations.
For citation: Lapitskaya O. V. System analysis of forest management and forestry and prospects for their development in the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pp. 79–83 (In Russian). DOI:
It is shown that the forestry of the Republic of Belarus meets the requirements for large systems in system analysis. At the same time, it was noted that the primacy of the main goal in forestry in the future should shift somewhat towards increasing the role and importance of forestry activities. This should happen by increasing rental income from marketed forestry products and from environmental rent, which is currently underestimated. The need to improve the species and age structure of the forests of Belarus by bringing the share of conifers to 70–75% and hardwoods to 7–8% of all lands covered with forests is noted. It is shown that the forestry of Belarus is a single system consisting of separate modules in a dialectical unity. It is noted that in the forestry system the hierarchy of its modules is currently shifted towards commercial activities. In the future, this situation should be corrected, while maintaining commercial activities, forestry production and sustainable forest management should come to the fore. It is noted that the forestry of Belarus is a single system and has positive prospects for its development in both economic and environmental aspects.
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