UDC 330.341

  • Kryshtanosau Vitaly Bronislavovich − PhD (Economics), post-doctoral student. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: digitalization, risks and threats, sectors and industries.

For citation: Kryshtanosau V. B. Threats and risks of digital economy at the sectoral level. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pр. 28–52 (In Russian). DOI:


There were identified the main approaches to the risk assessment associated with the introduction of modern digital technologies, including general technological components (IOT, BDA, AI, Blockchain, Cloud) and business operating (production) systems at the level of certain sectors and the branches. There were highlighted the most vulnerable industrial systems from the point of view of cyber threats, the risks of hacking of which can potentially apply the maximum damage to enterprises. It has been substantiated the reasonable interconnections in digitized environments of two relevant main networks: information and industrial (in industry, energy, agricultural and communal farms, telecommunications, logistics, financial sector, trade), which manifests the increase in the surface of the attack and more opportunities to distribute them. There have been made the empirical assessments of risks and threats in the main types of cyberatak on CIA methodology. There have been identified the most common cyber threats in the dynamics of their spread.


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