UDC 330.5
Key words: human development, comparative analysis, life expectancy, years of schooling, gross national product, education, healthcare.
For citation: Dolinina T. N., Younis H. M. Belarus and Lebanon: comparative analysis of human development indicators. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), рр. 20–27 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents a comparative analysis of the dynamics of human development in two developing countries – Belarus and Lebanon, the first has high achievements in the field of education, the other in the field of healthcare. The indicators of life expectancy at birth, duration of education, and gross national income are considered as key indicators of human development. The analysis was based on data from the UNDP Human Development Report 2020, as well as on materials from international and Belarusian statistics.
The results of a comparative analysis are presented (in comparison with developing countries, Arab states, countries of Europe and Central America, countries with a high and very high level of development) showing that modern Belarus, demonstrates positive dynamics of human development and belongs to the group of countries with very high level of human development, low life expectancy and unfavorable demographic trends. At the same time, Lebanon, a country with a high level of human development, has much better demographics, including higher life expectancy, indicating advanced health care.
Conclusions are drawn about the imperfection of the assessment of the level of human development according to the UNDP methodology, as well as that the healthcare sector in Lebanon, functioning in a difficult political situation, ensures the maintenance of high life expectancy, which is the most objective indicator of human development. It was recommended that Belarus pay attention to the Lebanese initiatives in the provision of medical services, it is important for Lebanon to strengthen the social orientation of the economy in order to overcome the apparent slowdown in demographic dynamics through the further development of healthcare and a radical increase in the level of education.
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