UDC 338.24

  • Shavrov Sergey Alekseevich − PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Production Organization and Real Estate Economics. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: digital economy, institutional capital, digital ecosystems, innovation and technological institutions, platform economy measurements, institutional unit’s classification, digital assets.

For citation: Shavrov S. A. The institutional infrastructure of the digital economy formation in the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pp. 13–19 (In Russian). DOI:


Natural, physical, human and institutional capital makes up people’s wealth. The system of institutions is one of the most relevant areas for the reproduction of capital and national wealth. Institutional capital is a set of interrelated institutions that have been accumulated and preserved in the process of the country’s social development and ensure economic development. The intensive digital transformation of society is significantly changing the institutional infrastructure of the state. So far, there is no clear idea of what the institutional infrastructure of the digital economy is. The author proposes a model of such an infrastructure in the form of individually defined clusters of digital ecosystems. In the article, the model is used to analyze the problems that arise in the development of such innovation and technological institutions in the Republic of Belarus. Fourteen urgent tasks that need to be addressed are identified. Among them, the task of measuring the institutions of the platform economy, institutional units classifying, creating unified centers for coordinating digital ecosystems, reducing the unjustified number of platforms, classifying generated data as produced digital assets. There are also the task of digital law developing, monitoring the impact of the platform economy on people, creating new jobs in the market labor platform economy, valuation of free assets and free services and others. Recommendations are given for solving the identified problems.


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